Saturday 11 September 2010

On a Mission...

This past week I set myself a discipline. Not in a bad way! I do not respond well to programmes and legalistic schemes, these days. In fact, never did. But particularly as I get older. But I decided to read Acts in a week. Not quickly, in a rushed way, but slowly and reflectively. And I used 'The Message'. This is a 'translation' I am becoming increasingly comfortable with. As you know, I am not clever enough to judge it's 'accuracy' - but I find it stimulates my thinking. I feel this is because all the other versions (including my beloved 'JND' version) make the teaching seem archaic and therefore not relevant. 'The Message' reads in such an up-to-date way, it sounds as if it happened yesterday..and is being reported by Sky, CNN or John Simpson...therefore It works for me!

I can recommend this exercise. The over-riding impact of this reading was to challenge me again about the vast gulf in experience between 1st century church and what we have today. They are so different. It almost seems like a 'different faith'. It's like 'Champions League' compared to park football. Concorde to Tiger Moth. Ferrari to Austin 7. I think you have my point! Recognisably similar, but poles apart in experience.

Gosh, it was dangerous then. Imprisonment, torture even death lurked around every corner. Theological debates were hotly fought. Relationships were tested. Decisions made. But in everything, Jesus was central, fellowship was vital, leading by the Spirit daily and the fear of the Lord evident. Tough times for those who lived at such a time, but underneath it all, forgive me the words don't seem right, but there was a sense of joy, excitement...even, dare I say it,!

Can we re-capture this? Of course we can. In fact we must. And if we don't do it soon, it will be forced upon us by God's great persuader...'persecution'. If the church corporate does not give up it's agenda (often called 'vision'...a word I am becomming increasingly uncomfortable with, in the current useage) and become a biblical expression of His body, it will be forced upon us by a divine parent who wants what is best for us. Not a pale, weak, childish man-made imitation.

We must leave the muddy messy mindless game on the local park, and make our way to the Neu Camp.

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