Saturday, 4 September 2010

Has Anyone Noticed...?

Chatting about church life last night with a friend of mine, he commented that there seems to be so little spiritual gift activity in meetings these days. What he meant, I believe, was that tongues, interpretation, prophecy, word of knowledge and suchlike, do not seem to be as evident as they were, say 25 years ago. My brain has been examining this you can imagine!

He is absolutely right. Our memory does not play tricks, nor are we harking back to 'the good old days'. The average church service is devoid of much that could be described as supernatural. Mostly pretty straight stuff and most services could be mistaken in style with a political party meeting or a slick sparkly product launch.


Because god is moving again and we haven't. Simple. As with the children of Israel in the wilderness led by the cloud and fire, He has moved on and we have hung on to what we know. I am reminded of the verse 'and Samson did not know that the spirit had departed'. Now I know that the Holy Spirit indwells the believer and we are 'sealed'. OK no problem. But when we gather corporately we have things so organised, polished, practised and beautifull presented that there is no need for the Holy Spirit to attend, so he slips away...un-noticed and un-missed.

We have attended 5 different church services in the past 2 months. All pleasant, neat, welcoming, friendly, even inspiring and stimulating. But only one had any evidence of spiritual gifting in any obviously supernatural way, and even that was not at all 'edgy', if you know what I mean!

We need to move. To catch up. God is waiting and the Holy Spirit is ready to ignite again.

Personally, I can't wait. My impatience is becoming unbearable. But individually we cannot do it. Moving the camp is a corporate event!

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