Sunday, 14 February 2010

I have a dream....

The other Sunday evening we absconded. Forsaking our normal 'Sunday evening service' atour 'normal place of worship' (where do we get these expressions from?) we arrived outside our local brethren assembly at 6-30 on the nail. Welcomed by one of the elders who knew me we settled down in our seats and spent the next hour (precisely!) in a time warp. I went back 50 years into my past. Nothing has changed. Even the paint is the same colour. We had 4 hymns, a prayer, a Bible reading, a 4-point 'message' aimed at non-christians - and 'notices'. Everything totally orthodox, beautifully presented and the 'message' biblically 'spot-on' and a pleasure to listen to. Everything planned and predictable. At the end, people welcomed us warmly and seemed genuinely pleased to see us. I came away blessed, well-taught and nostalgic. Of course the Holy Spirit is there - churlish to suggest otherwise. He was in the Word and guided us into truth as we listened.

This morning I was in our usual Sunday morning venue. I was taking the offering on one of the aisles. I was told that the announcements would soon be over, then a prayer and then 'go'! I asked the young lady co-ordinating this if she had written the script as she seemed to know what was coming. 'I've been here many years' she responded, 'I know what happens'. Bless.

Am I reading too much into these two experiences? It is my honest belief that if the Holy Spirit were not to turn up at our meetings whether it be in a down-town brwethren assembly, or the 'hottest church in town' - we would not notice. We would just carry on regardless. And this has been going on for years. Depressing and dismaying.

Oh for a coming together of God' people where our only leader is the Holy Spirit and we respond to Him by each of us bringing to the body the blessing the Lord Jesus is to us. Songs, prayer, tongue and interpretation, prophecy, teaching, eating and drinking, bread and wine - remembering, rejoicing, comforting, strengthening, empowering. My heart is heavy as I write. We do not have it and we desperately need it.

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