Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Haven't They Had Enough?

Have you noticed the amount of 'bashing' the Church has received from the media lately? Or is it me with a persecution complex? It seems to me that evry other day there is a TV show with some attack on the truthfulness or validity of the Bible. Ann Widdecombe had a hard time the other evening whilst talking through the 10 Commandments with a few folk. Now call me old fashioned, but the 10 Commandments seem to me to be very reasonable pattern on which to base one's life. Nothing wrong with that list of personal targets we would think. Stephen Fry was getting most upset! One lady favoured the view that Moses never existed! Dear old Ann fought her (and God's) corner very well. Even Woman's Hour today is debating whether the Bible really likes women. Try the Koran, dear!

Most, if not all, of the people I've met who have made the Commandments of God a yardstick for behaviour, have always seemed to me to be good, hardworking, reliable, pleasant folk. Salt of the earth, you might say. So what's so wrong?

If the think they know better - what alterations would they make? And why? If they can't why don't they a) Join up and go with it or b) leave us alone?

Perhaps it's because we are an easy target...we won't fight back. No, we won't. But there's a Day coming when Someone will. Unfortunately, I will be too busy to gloat.

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