Friday 24 September 2010

Towards Biblical Church.....?

I've decided to become more positive. It occurred to me that a lot of the time we/I get drawn into a despairing negativity by what we see around us in church life. With the Bible in our hands, the Holy Spirit in our hearts and the cause of Jesus predominant in our thinking, we look around and wonder what on earth is going on, and when is Heaven going to do something about it.

So, my blogging is going to begin to state positively what the church must become in order to fulfil what the Father requires of the Bride for His Son. Having pondered and prayed much about this, and read tonnes of stuff, my fingers feel inclined to put something readable down.

There are, of course, a few groundrules.

Traditional thinking - the manmade variety - is out of the window. There are Godly traditions we must keep. But manmade ones - out! Now this is not easy for me. After 63 years in church life you must pick up a few, but I am determined to let them go. If you don't think I am, tell me.

Also, it must be Biblical. Nothing else will do now. I (literally) don't care what man has made up. I may lose some friends, and that's a shame, I will miss you, but time is short. And a few less people at my funeral won't worry me too much! I am learning to love His Book increasingly, and He has revealed so much of His Will to us, that we must begin to drop our own plans, and adopt His. Urgently. We are facing a wipe-out in this country. Our enemies are around us, and within. Satan is (shorterm) rubbing his hands. Longterm he knows he's lost. It's the bit in between I plan to address.

I cannot offer you a 'local model'. What I am planning to present does not exist in my city of Leicester UK, to my knowledge. I believe it exists elsewhere, but I have no desire/leading to
move. This is theory as far as I am concerned. I long for the practical outworking.

I start soon.

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