Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Leadered - or Led? Episode 2

So what? Does it matter? If men are filled with Holy Spirit surely it's OK for them to lead us and we call them leaders? Well, in my view, if it were OK then our heavenly Father - committed as He is to lead us into all truth by the Holy Spirit - surely would have mentioned it, even in passing. And I don't think He has.

The problem with men as leaders (and from now on to help me with repetitive stress stuff - if I say men, I could just, might be also referring to women, to keep you happy......) is that they soon become personalities. They become associated with 'their' church. Can you imagine Houston without Joel Osteen, Dallas without John Hagee, Chicago without Bill Hybels and so on? Good men, possibly great men - but as a substitute for the dynamic, powerful leading of Holy Spirit, I know where my money is! I want an intimate relationship with He who knows all things, is all-powerful and is totally committed to my best possible well-being. Not just a guy who knows bits. And could fall. Or die. Then where would I be? Rudderless, I guess.

How lovely it must be to be so in tune with Holy Spirit that we hear His promptings, recognise His voice and learn to co-operate without question with His wishes. This needs more thought...

Not only on a personal level, but when we meet as church and there's a group of pleasant and powerful to individually contribute His leading to the body and corporately respond to the Holy Spirit and His, that sounds a lot better than a big bunch of people sitting in a big room led by 'worship group' who have practised 'so hard' and then listen to a church CEO who has scripted a 'message' (Freudiently, I almost typed 'massage'!) that we find largely unhelpful and usually irrelevant. No contest, eh?

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