Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Leadered - or Led? Episode 2

So what? Does it matter? If men are filled with Holy Spirit surely it's OK for them to lead us and we call them leaders? Well, in my view, if it were OK then our heavenly Father - committed as He is to lead us into all truth by the Holy Spirit - surely would have mentioned it, even in passing. And I don't think He has.

The problem with men as leaders (and from now on to help me with repetitive stress stuff - if I say men, I could just, might be also referring to women, to keep you happy......) is that they soon become personalities. They become associated with 'their' church. Can you imagine Houston without Joel Osteen, Dallas without John Hagee, Chicago without Bill Hybels and so on? Good men, possibly great men - but as a substitute for the dynamic, powerful leading of Holy Spirit, I know where my money is! I want an intimate relationship with He who knows all things, is all-powerful and is totally committed to my best possible well-being. Not just a guy who knows bits. And could fall. Or die. Then where would I be? Rudderless, I guess.

How lovely it must be to be so in tune with Holy Spirit that we hear His promptings, recognise His voice and learn to co-operate without question with His wishes. This needs more thought...

Not only on a personal level, but when we meet as church and there's a group of pleasant and powerful to individually contribute His leading to the body and corporately respond to the Holy Spirit and His, that sounds a lot better than a big bunch of people sitting in a big room led by 'worship group' who have practised 'so hard' and then listen to a church CEO who has scripted a 'message' (Freudiently, I almost typed 'massage'!) that we find largely unhelpful and usually irrelevant. No contest, eh?

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Leadered or Led?

Here we go. First attempt....I just hope it works!

I made an interesting discovery the other day. As far as I can see there is no mention of the word 'leader' in the New Testament. If you don't find this astonishing, then you needn't read any further, you are obviously too bright for me.

Now I can't remember how many leader's meetings I've been to. How many leadership conferences I've attended. How many leaders I've met. How many hours I've spent being instructed by successful leaders on how to be a better leader. And how much time I've devoted as a leader to exhorting others to be better leaders. Countless. And right now, I'm wondering why.

The New Testament seems to suggest that we are 'led by the Holy Spirit'. Each believing, discipled follower of Jesus has the Holy Spirit. He leads us. Simples.

Now there are 'Ministries' - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers - and more if you care to investigate. But there is no mention of leaders. These men (and/or women if that is your persuasion) are there to confirm where necessary that leading of the Spirit, to interpret where necessary that leading of the Holy Spirit and to apply that leading into the local church and 'trans church' where appropriate.

Do you think I am splitting hairs? It's all about semantics, people say. But words matter. And if the Holy Spirit wanted to delegate leadership to men/women I think it would be plain in Scripture - and it's not, in my view at all. What do you think?

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Well, this is breaking fresh ground! I would not have dreamed this event would take place, even a year ago. I've always maintained that technology is wasted on the young - they have nothing to compare it with! We, however, can remember Atari, slide rules and the first breeze-block sized mobile phones. Here I am at 62 sitting in my little room allocated to me by the boss, and preparing to enter the scary world of web-logging. Mercy me! Where shall we go?

The answer? Wherever we like. That's the beauty of it. Not much in the way of censorship, not many controls, and, if we stay anonymous, no-one will know our most secret thoughts. Fun, eh?

My plans are these. To examine the life we mere humans can live in relationship with God. Frankly, I think there is a lot more than we enjoy already and He wants to impart a lot more to us.

What do you think? Take part if you wish. Join me on a bit of a journey (after all, at 62, it can't take long!)