Sunday, 18 July 2010

If I Had a £m?.....

Seems ages since I wrote about the Watchman Nee book. That's because I've only just finished it. Normally I get through a book in about 3 days...but this one has taken nearly a month...and I need to read it again! All I could manage was a paragraph or two and then I had to lay it aside, something else....and then pick it up for another dose.

It was written in the '30s. But it is as up to date in it's message as tomorow's newspaper (as Billy Graham used to say). Quite simply it is a biblical strategy for a 'Jesus Centred Church'. Most churches are activity centred, pastor centred, denomination centred, revival centred, growth centred. Let me illustrate. Recently I attended a church service and the song we majored on truly exalted Jesus. Lots about Him - centred on His life, work and ministry. Lovely - really moving and energising - and, more importantly, Jesus exalting. Then I picked up the 'bulletin' - the publication which listed all the church was doing for that month. The name of Jesus was mentioned once. The name of the church (in full) 14 times. Get the idea?

Oh, the title? 'If I Had a £m?' Have you often wondered what you would do? Narrow it down a bit and forget about family, house, holiday, car whatever. If you had a £m - which you had to spend on something/someone else - what would you do with it? Right now, I'd buy as many copies of this book and send it to as many church leaders as I could, requesting that they read it.

The church as it is today in the UK, bears little or no resemblance to the church of the Lord Jesus and and the 1st century. And, frankly, it breaks my heart after 63 years of church life to see what we (yes, me and you and others) have done to it. I'm not just blaming others, I'm blaming me as well. I've contributed either directly, or by allowing things to happen.

Jean and I visited a church we used to belong to 25 years ago. It had it all then. Apostolic input, a stategy, a spirit of worship, community, more and much more. We hadn't been back for over 20 years. It was so very sad. Whatever we had then, has gone, IMO, and replaced by 'nice'. We walked away with a heavy heart. The main reason for that weighty organ, was that they didn't know it had happened. We shall, as far as I can see, never go back. Life is too short, now.

I would love to find a group of people who really want to experience 'Jesus Centered Spirituality' and not 'Church Centered Spirituality'. Are you wondering what I mean? A year ago, so was I. I think they idea is beginning to dawn.....more later.